IB 340883 (02--2008)
Connect one end of the ground strap (4) to
ground and wrap the other end around wrist
before handling the control panel / instrument
panel label (1). The ground strap must be worn
whenever the control panel / new instrument
panel label are being handled.
1. Remove the back cover from the control
panel. Set the back cover and hardware
aside. Refer to Fig. 3.
FIG. 3
2. Remove the five fasteners and six standoffs
holding the circuit board to the panel
assembly. Set the fasteners, standoffs, and
eleven nylon washers aside. Refer to Fig. 4.
FIG. 4
3. Remove the circuit board from the instrument
panel and set the circuit board on a clean flat
surface. Refer to Fig. 5.
FIG. 5
4. Remove the eleven aluminum spacers from
the instrument panel label. Set the spacers
aside. Discard the instrument panel label.
Refer to Fig. 6.
FIG. 6
5. Place the eleven aluminum spacers onto the
new instrument panel label (1). Refer to Fig. 6.
All aluminum spacers must be installed
onto the instrument panel label (1). Board could
be damaged if any standoffs are missing.
6. Use the hardware from Step 2 to install the
circuit board onto the instrument panel label
(1). Refer to Fig. 4.