5680 331176 (9--06)
Pick up oversized debris before scrubbing.
Pick up pieces of wire, string, twine, etc.,
which could become wrapped around the
scrub brush.
Plan the scrubbing in advance. Try to
arrange long runs with minimum stopping
and starting. Do an entire floor or section at
one time.
Try to scrub as straight a path as possible.
Avoid bumping into posts or scraping the
sides of the machine. When scrubbing dead
end aisles, start at the closed end of the
aisle and scrub your way out. Overlap the
scrub paths by a few centimeters (inches).
If you see poor scrubbing performance, stop
scrubbing and refer to
Non-scuff polypropylene scrub brush
-- This
brush uses a softer, general purpose
polypropylene bristle to lift lightly compacted
soilage without scuffing high-gloss coated floors.
Nylon scrub brush
-- Recommended for
scrubbing coated floors. Cleans without scuffing.
Super abrasive bristle scrub brush
-- Nylon
fiber impregnated with abrasive grit to remove
stains and soilage. Strong action on any surface,
performing well on buildup, grease, or tire marks.
Heavy duty stripping pad
-- This black pad is for
stripping floors. Cuts through old heavy finishes
easier, to prepare the floor for re-coating.
Stripping pad
-- This brown pad is for stripping
floors. Quickly and easily cuts through old finish to
prepare the floor for re-coating.
Scrubbing pad
-- This blue pad is for scrubbing
floors. Removes dirt, spills and scuffs, leaving a
clean surface ready for re-coating.
Buffing pad
-- This red pad is for buffing floors.
Quickly cleans and removes scuff marks while
polishing the floor to a high gloss.
Polishing pad
-- This white pad is for polishing
floors. Maintains a high gloss. Use for buffing very
soft finishes and lower traffic areas, or use for
polishing soft waxes on wood floors.