Weight : 80g (excluding the battery)
Accessories : User manual, battery, and carrying case.
Operating Temperature and Humidity : 0°C ~ +60°C, <95%
RH. (non-condensing)
Storage Temperature and Humidity : -10 to 60°C, <70%
RH. (non-condensing)
3.2 Electrical Specification: (Temperature: 25°C,
Humidity: <90% RH)
Temperature Measurement Range : -20.0°C ~ +50.0°C
(-4.0°F - +122.0°F).
Humidity Measurement Range : 1.0% ~ 99 %RH.
3.3 Accuracy:
Humidity : ±3.5% for 20~90%.
± 5% for 1~19.9 and 90.1~99.
Temperature : ± 1.0
, ±1.8