COM setting Set up the COM port inside the PC according to the following:
Baud rate: 9600
Parity bit: None
Data bit: 8
Stop bit: 1
Data flow control: None
Functionality Check
Run this query command via the terminal check application such as MTTTY (Multi-
threaded TTY).
This should return the identification information if the interface is functioning:
Manufacturer, model name, software version.
TENMA 72-2645 Vx.xx
Remote Control Syntax V2.0
Command format : VSET <X>:<NR2>
1. VSET: command header
2. X:output channel
3. : separator
4. NR2: parameter
Command Details:
1. LOCK<NR2>
Description: LOCK or UN LOCK the front panel
LOCK the front panel
UNLOCK the front panel
2. ISET<X>:<NR2>
Description: Sets the output current.
Response time 50ms
Sets the CH1 output current to 2.225A
3. ISET<X>?
Description: Returns the output current setting.
Example: ISET1?
Returns the CH1 output current setting.
4. VSET<X>:<NR2>
Description: Sets the output voltage.
Example VSET1:20.50
Sets the CH1 voltage to 20.50V