AD696/B Paging Microphone Base for Announcements
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The AD696/B base is designed to be used in conjunction with the AD615/S audio encoder system.
AD696/B allows an operator to transmit a message to a loudspeakers network for alerts or announcements.
The operator who has the AD696/A microphone base at his desk can launch an announcement on the network
speaker in a simple way:
Press the Talk button to spread the announcements and keep it pressed
Speak clearly and quietly a second after pressing the button to give his announcement
At the end of the announcement release the button
The selection lever on the AD615/S system must be in the central position. In case AD615/S is used for diffusion of
background music in the environment, the lever must be placed upwards. For further information on the AD615/S
system and its operation, refer to its specific user manual. Any background music broadcasted by AD615/S will be
replaced by the microphone message during its emission.
The microphone volume adjustment trimmer in the AD615/S system must be set to ¼ turn from the minimum
setting (if you want to check this, turn it all anticlockwise and then turn it in ¼ turn clockwise). Adjust it if necessary
making some announcement tests if the announcement itself results in a non-optimal volume, each environment to
has its own characteristics, for example it is noisy/silent, reverberating/sound-absorbing, ...
The AD696/A microphone base is powered by the AD615/S system to which it must be directly connected.
Insert the 8-pole plug connector of the integral cable connected to AD696/A into the black RJ45 socket on the
AD615/S module as clearly indicated in the photos below.
PTT button
(Push To Talk)
LED for active
microphone signaling
(On Air)