Now that audio can be sent between Link and other Telos Infinity devices, it is time to configure Link to
send and receive audio across the WAN connection or internet.
Enter the static IP address and port number of the Telos Infinity Link at the other end of your internet
connection in the Peer Device Information field using the format “IP Address:Port Number”. Be sure
to us a public IP address as FQDN is not supported. The moment you exit the Peer Device Information
field, the input will start streaming to peer the Infinity Link.
Select an appropriate bitrate and type from the Codec Profile dropdown menu. Each codec represents
a single audio channel, so choosing 2-channel (stereo) from the Channel menu automatically uses the
next available codec for the second channel.
Finally, set the Receive Port to the IP address of the interface connected to the Internet and the port
number forwarded through your firewall. In general, we recommend a non-standard port starting at
For additional information on router configuration and port forwarding, please see
the following section, “Router Configuration and Port Forwarding”.
Figure 13: Peer Device, Receive Port, and Codec setup