Jupiter SL869 EVK User Guide
1VV0301126 Rev.0 – 2014-01-23
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Mod. 0810 2011-07 Rev.2
Communication Interface
The SL869 V2 offers several ways of communication between itself and the host processor.
For simplicity in this document, the interface described in the examples is in UART mode.
A command is a defined Data Packet sent from a host processor to the GNSS-Baseband
Controller. The regular structure of the command is
Command-ID[,PktType, DataField * CHK1, CHK2,<cr><lf>
Parameters, if present, are delimited by “,” characters as per the NMEA protocol. All SL869
V2 commands are proprietary and therefore all command-ID’s begin with the “$PMTK”
character sequence.
The user interaction with the EVK can be achieved through the use of a PC terminal emulator
program that is connected to the appropriate COM port with settings of:
9600 Baud
0 Parity Bits
1 Stop Bit
8 Data Bit
Messages Description
The table below summarizes the periodic output messages of the SL869 V2:
Message ID
NMEA: Global Position System fix data. Time, position
and fix related data for GNSS receiver
NMEA: GNSS Dilution of Precision (DOP) and active
NMEA: GNSS satellites in view. “GP” talker ID reports
GPS, “GL” talker ID reports GLONASS satellites, , “BD”
talker ID reports BEIDOU satellites.
NMEA: Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
NMEA: Course and speed information relative to the
All messages are output once per second. There are multiple GSA and GSV messages output
each second.