SE868SY-D Hardware Design Guide
1VV0301705 Rev. 5
Page 6 of 44
Not Subject to NDA
This document introduces the SE868SY-D module and presents possible and
recommended hardware solutions for the development of a product based on this
module. All the features and solutions described in this document are applicable to all
the variants listed in the applicability table.
This document cannot include every possible hardware solution or product. Where the
suggested hardware configurations are not required, the information provided should be
used as a guide and starting point for the proper product development with the Telit
This document is intended for Telit customers, especially system integrators, about to
implement their applications using our SE868SY-D modules.
Contact Information, Support
For general contact, technical support services, technical questions and report
documentation errors contact Telit Technical Support at:
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For detailed information about where you can buy the Telit modules or for
recommendations on accessories and components visit:
Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments
and suggestions for improvements.
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