HE920 Family Product Description
80404ST10112A Rev.2 2013-05-06
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Software Features
Enhanced IP EASY Extension
The IP EASY feature allows the HE920 module user to contact a device in internet and
establish with it a raw data flow over the WCDMA/EDGE/GPRS and Internet networks.
This feature can be seen as a way to obtain a "virtual" serial connection between the
Application Software on the Internet machine involved and the controller of the Telit HE920
module, regardless of all the software stacks underlying.
This particular implementation allows to the devices interfacing to the Telit HE920 module the
use of the WCDMA/EDGE/GPRS and Internet packet service without the need to have an
internal TCP/IP stack since this function is embedded inside the module.
IP EASY overcomes some of the known limitations of the previous implementation and
implements some new features such as:
Keep the WCDMA/EDGE/GPRS context active even after the closing of a socket,
allowing the application to keep the same IP address;
Also Mobile terminated (incoming) connections can be made, now it is possible to
receive incoming TCP connection requests;