HE920 Family Product Description
80404ST10112A Rev.2 2013-05-06
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Data Transmission capabilities
The HE920 family supports:
HSPA: D/L up to 14.4Mbps, U/L up to 5.76Mbps
UMTS: D/L up to 384Kbps, U/L up to 384Kbps
EDGE: D/L up to 236.8Kbps, U/L up to 236.8Kbps
GPRS: D/L up to 85.6Kbps, U/L up to 85.6Kbps
Asynchronous non transparent CSD up to 9.6kbps for GSM, 14.4kbps for WCDMA
GPRS/EDGE Multi-slot Class 33, MS class B
Coding scheme 1 to 4 (GPRS) & Modulation Coding scheme 1 to 9 (EDGE)
Local security management
The local security management can be done with the lock of Universal Subscriber Identity
Module (USIM), and the security code will be requested at power-up.
Call control
The calling cost control function is supported.
This function allows storing the telephone numbers into SIM memory. The capability depends
on the SIM version and its embedded memory.
Characters management
The HE920 family support the following character sets:
IRA (International Reference Alphabet), in TEXT and PDU mode.
UCS – 16-bits universal multiple-octet coded character set (ISO/IEC10646)
SIM related functions
Activation and deactivation of the numbers stored in phone book FDN (Fixed Dialing
Numbers), ADN (Abbreviated Dialing Number) and PIN insertion are supported. Extension at
the PIN2 for the PUK2 insertion capability for lock condition is supported too.
Call status indication
The call status indication is supported by AT commands.
Automatic answer
The automatic answering feature is supported. The user/application can specify the number of
rings after which the module will make an answer automatically.