iIS-010 series product specification
Ver. B (Oct. 12 200
Conditional output
Selectable Disable or Enable
if (Condition)
Create / Edit Condition
Then (Send)
Add / Edit Output string
To (Destination)
Add / Edit Destination
Serial (COM3) port settings
Bit rate
Selectable 110 / 300 / 600 / 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600 / 19200 /
38400 / 57600 / 115200bps
*230400 / 460800 / 921600bps are not supported.
Data Bits
Selectable 5 / 6 / 7 /8
Selectable Odd / Even / None / Mark / Space
Stop bit
Selectable 1/ 1.5 / 2
Flow control
Control unit role
Selectable "as client" or "as server"
As client
Define device IP address
As server
Alter or reassign Port Number
*The reliability of controlling external devices (such as a conveyer, a kicker or etc.) on the
product line via Ethernet is NOT guaranteed.
Inspection status
Selectable Ready to Run / Running
Statistics Information
Displaying parts inspected number
Displaying parts skipped number
Displaying Pass / Recycle / Reject parts number
Inspection Information
Displaying set upped inspection information
Processing Time
Displaying the total time take to find (search) and inspect the part
Product line and Statistics
History Recall
Showing history records for inspected parts
Saving image
Bitmap image
Image Data / Data Only / Nothing
Saving Solution
To the Control Unit memory
Up to 16 solutions
Settable Solution description (Up to 127 letters)
Saving to PC or a network device
Deleting saved Solution
All / Current solution / Single Solution
[Software function specifications: Gauge Application (Ver.]
Measurement in real units with the calibration sheet