Channel Status Indicators and Reset Pushbutton: The indicators are green for nor-
mal operation and red when there is an overload or short circuit. The Reset push-
button restores normal operation after the short-circuit or overload has been
located and fixed.
Universal AC Power Input: The PS2000L accepts any input power in the range
of 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
Intercom Channel Connectors: When the Combine / Isolate switch is set to the
Isolate position, each channel connector is powered separately and has com-
pletely separate intercom audio. When the Combine / Isolate switch is set to the
Combine position, each channel is still powered separately, but the audio signals
are combined so that all users on both channels can intercommunicate.
Audiocom / Clear-Com Selector Switch (Figure
): This selector switch sets the
PS2000L for compatibility with either Audiocom (BALANCED) or Clear-Com
(UNBALANCED). Compatibility includes channel connector pin-outs, channel
power requirements, and call signaling requirements. The PS2000L is shipped
with this switch in the Audiocom position.