Airman 750/760 CMM
Parts List and Disassembly/Assembly 15
2.2 Disassembly/Assembly
The following procedure allows for complete disassembly of the Airman 750 and Airman 760.
See Figure 1, Figure 2, and the “Parts List” on page 13 for reference.
Assembly is the reversal of the disassembly procedure. Please take care when
disassembling to note details that may be required in the assembly process, such as the
locations of disconnected wires.
When soldering, be careful not to touch the plastic housing of the headset/headphone
with the soldering iron.
2.2.1 Disassembly Removal of the Receiver Assembly
remove the receiver assembly
, do the following:
1. Gently remove the
foam ear cushion (2)
(and ear cushion pad if present).
2. Using a Torx-5 screwdriver, remove the
two screws (1)
from the receiver
assembly (8, 9).
The rear housing separates from the receiver assembly and the headband.
Do not pull the receiver assembly more than 12mm away from the rear
housing at this time.
3. For the cord side, using a soldering iron, carefully disconnect the
red and white
internal wires
from either the circuit board or the receiver assembly.
For the non-cord side, continue to the
next step
4. Using a soldering iron, carefully disconnect the
overhead cord wires
from the
receiver assembly, see Figure 2.
Airman 750 model -300 does not have overhead cord wires. Removal of the Cord Assembly
remove the cord assembly
, do the following:
1. Gently remove the
foam ear cushion (2)
(and ear cushion pad if present).
2. Using a Torx-5 screwdriver, remove the
two screws (1)
from the receiver
assembly (8, 9).
The rear housing separates from the receiver assembly and the headband.
Do not pull the receiver assembly more than 12mm away from the rear
housing at this time.
3. For the cord side, using a soldering iron, carefully disconnect the
red and white
internal wires
from either the circuit board or the receiver assembly.
For the non-cord side, continue to the
next step
4. Using a soldering iron, on the circuit board carefully disconnect the
four wires
from the cord assembly