Hooking up the power supply
After making sure that the stabilized power source provides voltage within the range from 12 V
to 14 V, turn off the the power switches of the power source and the CWR-880. Then connect
the red wire of the CWR-880's power cable to the positive terminal and the black wire to the
negative terminal of the power source.
Hooking up a television set
Connect the RF OUT terminal of the CWR-880 and the UHF antenna terminal of the television
set with the attached video cable, after cutting off the RCA plug at one end of the cable. The
RF output uses the 591.25 MHz channel of the television. If you receive a television broadcast
in this channel, change the output frequency of the CWR-880 by adjusting the trimmer capaci-
tor (VX5P) within the range from 573.25 MHz to 603.25 MHz.
While both monochromatic and color television sets can be used, display is given in mono-
chrome in both cases.
Hooking up a display monitor
Connect the VIDEO OUT terminal of the CWR-880 and the VIDEO IN terminal of the display
monitor with the attached video cable. While a color display monitor can be used, display is
shown in monochrome. Display monitors of horizontal synchronization frequency other than
15.75 kHz cannot be used.