Service Scrambling Setting
To scramble the program, first choose AC information for it, shown as below:
Select AC
AC Selection will display 4 AC information for each CAS. After the selection, switch t
he “Enable” to be
ON, then click “Submit” to validate the setting.
1. To scramble the encrypted programs (which already have CA descriptors in PMT), their CA
original CA descriptors will be replaced by new CA descriptor which are generated by
IDH2-3000 Series. For pass-through mode, those original CA descriptors will be persisted.
2. IDH2-3000 Series supports up to 4 CAS simul-
crypt. The CAS’s AC information is available for
use only when the CAS is ON.
3. For different CAS, AC information may have different meanings.
4. To correctly scramble programs, the EMM PID of the transport stream and the ECM PID of the
programs should be correctly configured, as well as other CA parameters (see section