TDMC+ Teledyne Dual Mode Charger
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Error: Over-Temp
indicates the internal temperature of the charger is outside specified
operational limits. Disconnect the battery. Disconnect power from the charger and
allow it to cool. Ensure there is adequate airflow around the charger and that other
environmental factors are not contributing to overheating.
Error: Under-Volt
an error occurred during charging where battery voltage did not rise
during constant-current mode. This error may indicate that the battery design voltage
did not match the 12V/24V voltage selector, or it may indicate a problem with one or
more cells in the battery.
Reset the charger by disconnecting and reconnecting power. Ensure that the 12V/24V
voltage selector is correct for the battery and the battery shows a reasonable resting
voltage before restarting the charge cycle.
Error: Timeout
an error occurred during charging where the charger stage failed to
complete in the allotted time. See charging Method details for
allotted times.
Note: in most Error conditions, Selection Items A, B, C and D will
vanish and the charger will not allow further operation until power
has been turned off and on, and the error condition is remedied.
Charger States
The charger can be in one of four operational states
Not Charging
the charger is idle and supplying no energy to the battery.
In this state, the user may make selections to configure the charger and
to start the charge cycle.
the charger is charging according to the selections made by the user. In this state
the user may select to pause the charge.
Charging Paused
The charger has paused the charge Method and allows the battery to rest.
The user may select “Go!” to resume the charge cycle or “End” to cancel the charge cycle
(Not Charging).
Charge Completed
the charger has completed the selected charge cycle and is waiting for
the user to confirm this message by pressing “End”.
Button Operation
Each press of a Voltage, Current or Charge-Cycle-End button advances the selection above
that button one step. The order of sections is as shown on the right.
00.0V 00.0A
- Not Connected -
Volt Cur End At
24V 6A .5A
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