Teledyne LeCroy certifies compliance to the following standards as of the time of
publication. Please see the EC Declaration of Conformity document shipped with your
product for current certifications.
EMC Compliance
The instrument meets intent of EC Directive 2014/30/EU for Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Compliance was demonstrated to the following specifications listed in the Official Journal
of the European Communities:
EN 61326-1:2013, EN 61326-2-1:2013 EMC requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use.
Electromagnetic Emissions:
EN 55011:2016+A1:2017, Radiated and Conducted Emissions Group 1, Class A
2, 3
EN 61000-3-2:2014 Harmonic Current Emissions, Class A
EN 61000-3-3:2013 Voltage Fluctuations and Flickers, Pst = 1
Electromagnetic Immunity:
EN 61000-4-2:2009 Electrostatic Discharge, 4 kV contact, 8 kV air, 4 kV vertical/horizontal
coupling planes
EN 61000-4-3:2006+ A2:2010 RF Radiated Electromagnetic Field,
3 V/m, 80-1000 MHz; 3 V/m, 1400 MHz - 2 GHz; 1 V/m, 2 GHz - 2.7 GHz
EN 61000-4-4:2012 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst, 1 kV on power supply lines, 0.5 kV on
I/O signal data and control lines
EN 61000-4-5:2014+A1:2017 Power Line Surge, 1 kV AC Mains, L-N, L-PE, N-PE
EN 61000-4-6:2014 RF Conducted Electromagnetic Field, 3 Vrms, 0.15 MHz - 80 MHz
EN 61000-4-11:2004+A1:2017 Mains Dips and Interruptions, 0%/1 cycle, 70%/25 cycles,
0%/250 cycles
4, 5
1 To ensure compliance with all applicable EMC standards, use high-quality shielded interface cables.
2 Emissions which exceed the levels required by this standard may occur when the instrument is connected to
a test object.
3 This product is intended for use in nonresidential areas only. Use in residential areas may cause
electromagnetic interference.
4 Meets Performance Criteria “B” limits of the respective standard: during the disturbance, product undergoes
a temporary degradation or loss of function or performance which is self-recoverable.
5 Performance Criteria “C” applied for 70%/25 cycle voltage dips and for 0%/250 cycle voltage interruption test
levels per EN61000-4-11
European Contact:*
Teledyne GmbH, European Division
Im Breitspiel 11c
D-69126 Heidelberg
Tel: + 49 6221 82700