Linea 2K and 4K Monochrome Line Scan Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Models and Accessories
Table 1: Camera Models Comparison
Linea Dual Line Model Comparison
Part Number
Max. Line Rate
Pixel Size
Linea 2K CL
2048 x 1
80 kH z
7.04 µm x 7.04 µm
Linea 4K CL
4096 x 1
80 kH z
7.04 µm x 7.04 µm
Table 2: Optional Lens Mount Accessories
Part No.
M42 x 1 to C-m ou nt ad ap ter 12 m m BFD lens
M42 x 1 to F-m ou nt ad ap ter 12 m m BFD lens, heavy d u ty w ith clip
H eat sink (LA 4K / 2K)
Table 3: Software
Product Number / Version Number
Cam era firm w are
Em bed d ed w ithin cam era
GenICam ™ su p p ort (XML cam era d escrip tion file)
Em bed d ed w ithin cam era
Sap era LT, inclu d ing Cam Exp ert GUI ap p lication and
GenICam for Cam era Link im aging d river
Version 7.30 or later
Camera Performance Specifications
Table 4: Camera Performance Specifications
Im ager Form at
H igh sp eed CMOS line scan
Resolu tion
2048 or 4096 p ixels
Pixel Size
7.04 µm x 7.04 µm
Pixel Fill Factor
100 %
Line Rate
Up to 80 kH z
Exp osu re Tim e
4 µs to 3 m s
Bit Dep th
8 bit or 12 bit, selectable
Connectors and Mechanicals
Control & Data Interface
Base, Med iu m , and Fu ll Cam era Link configu rations (2 x SDR-26)
Pow er Connector
H irose 6-p in m ale circu lar
Pow er Su p p ly
+ 5 V to + 24 V DC (+4.8 V to +25.2 V m axim u m lim its)
Pow er Dissip ation
< 4.5 W
62 m m (W) x 62 m m (H ) x 31 m m (D)
< 190 g
Op erating Tem p
0 °C to 65 °C, front p late tem p eratu re
Optical Interface
Lens Mou nt
M42 x 1, C-m ou nt ad ap ter available
Sensor to Cam era Front Distance
12 m m
Sensor Alignm ent (aligned to sid es of cam era)