Linea 2K and 4K Monochrome Line Scan Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
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Calibrate FPN
flatfield CalibrationFPN
Initiates the FPN calibration
p rocess
Calibrate PRN U
flatfield CalibrationPRN U
Initiates the PRN U or Flatfield
p rocess
Region of Interest (ROI)
The ROI featu re is related to flat field calibration. It is im p ortant to sp ecify an ROI w hen the object being
im aged has areas th at have black, non illu m inated areas su ch as beyond the ed ge of a film that is front
illu m inated , or is satu rated , again beyond the ed ge of a film bu t in this case bright field back illu m inated .
The ROI featu re allow s from one to fou r sp ecific regions of the p ixel line to be sp ecified w here flat field
calibration w ill take p lace. Pixel d ata ou tsid e the ROI w ill not be u sed w hen p erform ing flat field
Image Format Control Category
The Linea Im age Form at controls, as show n by Cam Exp ert, grou p s p aram eters u sed to configu re cam era
p ixel form at, im age crop p ing, and the test p attern.
Param eters in gray are read only, either alw ays or d u e to another p aram eter being d isabled . Param eters
in black are u ser set in Cam Exp ert or p rogram m able via an im aging ap p lication.
Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as
are u su ally for Teled yne DALSA or third
p arty softw are u sage—not typ ically need ed by end u ser ap p lications.