Linea CL Series Camera
Appendix B: ASCII Commands
Cycle power to the camera: by either a) issuing the reset camera command (rc), or b)
powering the camera OFF and then ON.
Load the ASCII interface using the required port configuration settings.
Wait for a stable status LED color (green or red) before proceeding. Note that all entries in
HyperTerminal will be ignored until a stable LED color is obtained.
In case of HyperTerminal, press the <ESC> key.
Once <ESC> has been entered the USER prompt appears.
The camera responds to a simple ASCII-based protocol. A carriage return <CR> ends each
Example: to return the current detector settings
gcp <CR>
A complete list of the available detector commands, their format and parameters can be displayed
by sending the help (
) command.
Notes on Using Alternatives to HyperTerminal
If you are using interfaces other than HyperTerminal, the ASCII character, ESC, is decimal
27 and needs to be issued. From the command line insert ESC by using ALT+2+7 of the
activated Num-Pad. In some cases this needs to be followed by a carriage return or a
linefeed to send this to the camera.
In ASCII the ESC character may look like this:
To switch from the ASCII-command interface to the GenCP interface, the camera must be either
reset (RC) or the power must be cycled. Note that GenCP and ASCII commands cannot be
accessed simultaneously.
Note: the HyperTerminal application is not available on the Windows 7 OS.
Alternatives to HyperTerminal
The following alternative ASCII-interfaces have been tested and shown to work with this
camera: PuTTY and TeraTerm. Note that PuTTY does not have Xmodem capability while
TeraTerm does. Xmoden is required to update code in the camera.
DeviceFeaturePersistenceStart, and DeviceFeaturePersistenceEnd.
Disabling the Esc Key for Direct Access to ASCII Commands
By default the Esc key is enabled and an Esc key sequence has to be issued in order to access the
ASCII commands. Using the DEK 1 command the need to issue an Esc key is disabled and access
to the ASCII commands are available immediately upon camera boot up. Note: access to GENCP is
no longer available with the Esc key disabled unless a DEK 0 command is issued and the camera