Operator’s Manual
Doc No. 16162 Rev A, GAS LASER Operator Manual
© 2021 Teledyne Gas Measurement Instruments Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scan Screen Mode
Peak Value:
- Holds for two (2) seconds
before resetting
to a current reading
- Changes instantly
if a higher reading
is measured
Peak Hold:
- Holds until PEAK button is
pressed, or a higher peak is
- Peak History list of recent
holds can be viewed and saved
to a data file through MENU
A blue underline for MENU
or MODE indicates a
successful long press.
Alarm Level Setting:
- May be changed in Menu,
in Alarm Level
The no-clutter Scan Mode
displays large numerical
readouts of PPMM and
PEAK detections.
Scan mode is the default screen
mode when not in MENU mode.
Quick Press Features
Turn green spotter laser ON.
Will automatically shut off
after two (2) minutes.
Turn green spotter laser OFF
Set distance alarm to 50’
Set distance alarm to 100’
Add current Peak Hold
value to Peak History List.
Peak History List of
recently held peaks can
be viewed and saved to a
data file through MENU.
A single beep sound indicates a
successful short press.
Long Press Features
Opens MENU screen.
Opens IMAGE screen mode.
A “long press” is achieved by
pressing and holding until a blue
line appears underneath.
GPS Indicator
GPS in the instrument is always
enabled. The GPS icon is only
visible if a GPS signal is locked.
Border Color Indicators
Screen border color indicates
detection status:
- Green, no flashing – no detection
above the alarm level.
- Red, fast flashing – detection
exceeds alarm level methane
Operator may disable flashing
through the MENU.
NOTICE: Border color will not appear while DMD Alarm is disabled.