4 Using the control module
Clarity Controls
4.4 Device Monitor
The window with the fraction collector status can be invoked by the
Monitor - Device Monitor
command from the
window or using
Device Monitor
Device Monitor - Fraction Collector
Fig 9: Device Monitor - Fraction Collector
Current Position
Displays whether the fraction collector is currently wasting or the position
to which it is currently collecting.
Moves the collection vessel one vial forward. Using this button while the
collector is performing its program set on the
Method Setup - FC - Fraction
tab during an analysis run immediately overrides the automatic
collection program. To return to the automatic program, use the
Collect / Waste
The description on the button changes according to the state in which the
fraction collector is - while it is collecting, the
button forces the
fraction collector to stop collecting, while it is in a waste cycle, the
button will force the collector to start collecting. Using any of the two
actions while the collector is performing the program set on the
Setup - FC - Fraction Table
tab during an analysis run, immediately
overrides the automatic collection program. To return to the automatic
program, use the
Resume Method
Position To Go
Allows to set the position to which the fraction collector should be
switched. The switching itself is performed using the
Go To Position
button. This feature is only present for fraction collectors which support
addressing particular collection vessels.
Resume Method
Resumes the actions of the automatic fraction table set on the
Setup - FC - Fraction Table
tab. If the fraction collector is collecting at that
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