929204-00 Rev A
WaveSurfer 3000z oscilloscopes are compatible with the included passive
probes and most Teledyne LeCroy
active probes that are rated for
the oscilloscope’s bandwidth. Probe specifications and documentation
are available at
Digital Leadset
Delivered with the purchase of the Mixed Signal probe option, the
digital leadset
enables input of up-to-16 lines of digital data. Lines can
be organized into two logical groups representing different buses and
renamed appropriately.
The digital leadset features two digital banks with separate threshold
controls, making it possible to simultaneously view data from different
logic families.
Each flying lead has a signal and a ground connection. A variety of ground
extenders and flying ground leads are available for different probing
needs. To achieve optimal signal integrity, connect the ground at the tip
of the flying lead for each channel used in measurements. Use either the
provided ground extenders or ground flying leads to make the ground
To connect the leadset to the oscilloscope, push the connector into the
mixed signal interface below the front panel until you hear a click.
To remove the leadset, press in and hold the buttons on each side of the
connector, then pull out to release it.