Some devices leave the factory with customized settings. This personalization can mean that the de-
fault configuration is different from the one shown above.
This initial configuration allows you access the router configuration console through the Telnet IP protocol. To do this,
follow these steps:
• Configure the IP terminal Ethernet interface (normally a PC) with IP address in the range of [,] and mask E.g.,
• Connect the IP terminal Ethernet interface to any of the Teldat Connect-104 Ethernet switch ports (LAN 1..4 con-
nectors) through the Ethernet cable (RJ45), supplied with the router.
• Start a Telnet session from the IP terminal to IP address ( Teldat Connect-104 default address).
• The default configuration does not ask for login credentials (user/password) to access the console.
For further information on how to fully configure the router, please see the manuals on the CD supplied with the
Teldat Connect-104 .
1.3 Meaning of the LEDs
Fig. 13: Front panel
Power-on indicator. It lights up when connected to the power.
LAN Ethernet Switch:
OFF: The link hasn’t established in this port.
GREEN: A link has established in this port.
Intermittent traffic in the port.
DSL Interface:
SLOW BLINKING: The link hasn’t established.
FAST BLINKING: The link is being established.
GREEN: The link has established.
WLAN Interface:
OFF: No data in the interface.
GREEN: Intermittent traffic in the interface.
1.4 RST Pushbutton
The Teldat Connect-104 RST button allows you to ignore the current configuration and establish the default config-
The RST pushbutton is located on the rear of the Teldat Connect-104 . It is protected in such a way that it’s only ac-
cessible from the outside of the router, and can only be activated using a sharp-pointed object.
Teldat S.A.
1 Installing the Router
Teldat Connect-104 Router