Fig. 11:
Intermediate position in the bus Antenna Connection
The ATLAS 152 routers have two connectors for an external antenna, which improves the quality of the signal re-
ceived and transmitted by the Wireless LAN module. This module is optional and your device may not have it, or the
antennas. To assemble and remove the antennas, simply screw them into the connectors labeled ANT (located at
the rear of the device).
Fig. 12:
Antenna connectors for Wireless LAN Configuration Connection
The ATLAS 152 routers have a female RJ45 connector on the rear panel labeled as “Conf.” , which provides access
to the device’s local console. For configuration, you must connect the “Conf.” port to an asynchronous terminal (or
to a PC with terminal emulation).
Fig. 13:
Configuration connector
The configuration of the terminal must be:
- Speed: 9600 bps.
- Eight data bits.
- One stop bit.
- No bit parity.
- No type of flow control.
The connection to the configuration port can be carried out with RJ45 cable connectors provided with the device to-
Teldat S.A.
1 Installing the Router