Genera! Description
The Type TU-7 Piug-ln Test Unit is a versatile single-unit
calibration aid for use with all Tektronix 530-, 540-, or 550-
Series Oscilloscopes using 1-series or letter-series vertical
plug-in units. The Type TU-7 is the only plug-in unit re
quired for calibrating the oscilloscope.* An input connector
on the front panel of the Type TU-7 permits application of
various external signals for use in the calibration procedure.
The self-contained unit also generates fast-rise pufses for
checking risetime and adjusting transient response of the
oscilloscope vertical amplifier.
The Type TU-7 permits checking the regulation limits of
the power supplies. In addition, the unit provides a quick
check of the oscilloscope alternate sync pulse and chopped
blanking circuitry. For oscilloscopes capable of displaying
two time-base signals alternately, the Type TU-7 checks the
ability of the alternate-sweep switching circuitry to lock
the channels of a dual-trace plug-in unit to the time bases
of the oscilloscope.
These two switch positions permit the oscilloscope low-
voltage power supplies to be loaded from minimum to
maximum. External signals applied through the EXT INPUT
connector on the front panel of the unit will be ac-coupled
to the oscilloscope vertical amplifier to produce a normal
display. Maximum vertical sensitivity of the Type TU-7/
oscilloscope combination is about 0.5volt/cm when the
VARIABLE control is set fully clockwise.
Permits setting the gain of the oscilloscope vertical ampli
fier with a 100-volt calibrator signal applied to the EXT
INPUT connector. The 250-to-l fixed ratio of this position
attenuates the 100-volt signal to 0.4 volt which produces
4 cm of vertical deflection on the crt when the oscilloscope
vertical amplifier gain adjustment has been accurately set.
Checks common-mode rejection ratio and dc balance of
the oscilloscope vertical amplifier.
Checks operation of the alternate-mode synchronizing
circuits in the oscilloscope. Also permits checking for proper
sweep slaving in oscilloscopes having two time bases that
can be displayed alternately. Any external signal applied
* A s in e -w a v e b a n d p a s s check o f th e system c a n n o t b e m a d e b y
a p p ly in g a n e x te rn a l h ig h -fre q u e n c y sin e w a v e th ro u g h th e T yp e
TU -7 .
to the EXT INPUT connector is attenuated approximately
1000 times by an internal attenuation network.
Checks oscilloscope for proper operation in the chopped
mode. Free-running rate of the dual-trace switching multi
vibrator is approximately lOOkc. Any external signal ap
plied to the EXT INPUT connector is attenuated approxi
mately 1000 times by the internal attenuation network.
In these two switch positions a fast-rise 'square wave
with a risetime of 3 nsec {3 X 10~9 sec) is applied to the
oscilloscope vertical deflection system. Maximum amplitude
of the pulse display for either + or — polarity is approxi
mately 6 cm with the AMPLITUDE control set fully clock
wise. Minimum amplitude is approximately 2 cm.
Other Controls and Connectors
Three-position switch to select the approximate pulse
repetition rate of the Pulse Generator circuit: LOW —
5 kc, MED — 120 kc, HIGH — 600 kc.
Adjusts amplitude of the pulse applied to the oscilloscope
vertical amplifier when the TEST FUNCTION switch is set
to + PULSE or — PULSE.
Controls amplitude of the signal applied through the
EXT INPUT connector when the TEST FUNCTION switch is
set to LOW LOAD or HIGH LOAD. The minimum deflec
tion factor is 0.5 volt/cm with the VARIABLE control set
fully clockwise.
Controls vertical positioning of the trace or display on
the crt in all TEST FUNCTION positions except COMMON
+ 225V Pushbutton
Provides +225 volts at the front-panel output banana jack
when the pushbutton is pressed.
+ 225V Banana Jack
Convenient source of +225 volts for checking dc balance
of each stage of a distributed vertical amplifier. With the
voltage output connected to the cathodes, the stage is
effectively cut off when the +225 V pushbutton is pressed.