Calibration— Type M
( a )
-H M M
(b )
(d )
Fig. 5 -4 . Checking the high-frequency compensation of the M Unit. Sweep rate:
0.1 psec/cm.
(a )
Peaking circuits properly adjusted,
(b ) L5363 and L5373 properly adjusted— H.F. PEAKING control rotated fully clockwise,
(cl Rolloff and (d ) overshoot, caused by mal
adjusted peaking circuits.
the measurement with the same setup used in step 19.
Leave the signal applied to the channel D input connector.
Decrease the signal amplitude from the Type 107 with the
Approximate Amplitude and, if necessary, the A VAR. GAIN
control, until a deflection of exactly two centimeters is
obtained. Set the oscilloscope Horizontal Display switch
to 5X Mag. The sweep rate is now 20nsec/cm. Use the
M-Unit POSITION and the oscilloscope Horizontal Position
controls to position the waveform for making the measure
ment (see Fig. 5-5). Measure the time interval between the
10% and 90% amplitude levels of the rising portion of the
waveform. The time interval should not exceed 17 nano
seconds (17 X 10“9 seconds).
Repeat this step for each of the other channels. When
checking each channel individually, set the appropriate
MODE switch to DC NORM, and the others to OFF.
Fig. 5 -5 . Measurement of vertical risetime for each channel. Sweep
rate: 2 0 nsec/cm.
21. Check Risefime of the Channel A Signal Output
To check the risetime of the channel A Signal Output
Amplifier, leave the signal applied to channel A. Connect
the cable-connector end of a 10X properly-compensated
attenuator probe to the channel B input connector. Plug
the probe tip (with a banana plug attached to its tip)
into the "A " SIGNAL OUT connector. Set the B MODE
switch to DC NORM, and set the B VOLTS/CM switch
to .2.
Rotate the Type 107 Approximate Frequency control fully
counterclockwise (0.4 me). Set the oscilloscope Triggering
Mode switch to AC LF Reject, the Time/Cm switch to .5
/xSec, and the Horizontal Display switch to Normal. Use
the oscilloscope Horizontal Position control to center the
Fig. 5 -6 . Measuring the risetime of the Channel A Signal Output
Sweep rate:
0 .5 /tsec/cm.
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