Calibration Messages
This appendix lists calibration errors that may occur during
calibration as well as the :CAL:PROT:DATA? query
Error summary
Table C-1 summarizes Model 2002 calibration errors. These
errors are displayed on the front panel and may be read over
the bus by using the :SYST:ERR? query. The query response
is the error number and the error message enclosed in quotes.
For example,
+444,"Cal step generated invalid data"
Error generation
After each calibration command is sent, the Model 2002 will
perform the appropriate calibration step and calculate perti-
nent calibration constants. If an error is detected, the instru-
ment will generate the appropriate error message, as
summarized in Table C-1.
Temperature drift error
An "Excessive temp drift during cal" error (+519) may occur
if the internal temperature of the Model 2002 drifts exces-
sively during calibration. The Model 2002 measures its inter-
nal temperature when the ":CAL:PROT:INIT" command is
sent and then again when the ":CAL:PROT:SAVE" com-
mand is sent at the end of the calibration procedure. If the in-
ternal temperature drift is excessive, the ERR annunciator
will turn on, and the "Excessive temp drift during cal" mes-
sage will be placed in the error queue.
Note that this error condition does not prevent calibration
constants derived during calibration from being saved; rath-
er, it is intended to flag excessive temperature drift, possibly
caused by insufficient warm-up.
Placement of the OPTION SLOT cover af-
fects the internal temperature of the Model
2002. To achieve T
±1°C specifica-
tions, the OPTION SLOT cover must be in
the same position (on or off) as when the
Model 2002 is to be used.
Invalid calibration data error
A "Cal step generated invalid data" error (+444) will be gen-
erated when the ":CAL:PROT:SAVE" command is executed
if a previous calibration step failed. This error will be
repeated for each ":CAL:PROT:SAVE" command until the
calibration step in question is successfully completed.
Calibration data query response
Table C-2 lists the response to the :CAL:PROT:DATA?
query. The response is a string of ASCII floating-point num-
bers separated by commas, and it is not affected by the FOR-
MAT command. Constants listed in Table C-2 are shown in
the order they are sent.