Operating Instructions— 0 6 7 -0 5 2 1 -0 0
2. Set both Time/Cm switches to .5 mSec.
3. Set both Triggering Mode switches to Auto, and both
Triggering Source switches to Plug-In.
4. Set the TEST FUNCTION switch to ALTERNATE.
5. A pply a 100-volt peak-to-peak Calibrator signal to the
INPUT connector.
6. Adjust the Triggering Level controls of both time bases
to trigger the displays. (For a Type 547 Oscilloscope, the
Trace Separation control should be set to zero.)
7. Check that 0.5 cm of the Calibrator waveform is dis
played when Time Base A is generating its sweep (lower
trace), and that 1 trace width of the Calibrator wave
form is displayed when Time Base B generates its sweep
(upper trace). Fig. 2-1 shows the oscilloscope display.
Time-Base B Trace
(simulates Channel 2)
1 1 1 ft
I I rf 19 9 1
Time-Base A Trace
_ .
- _
. .
. .
. . .
Sweep Rate — 0.5 msec/cm
(simulates Channel 1)
Fig. 2 -1 . Alternate-sweep slaving check.
8, Check that Time Base A is locked to the lower trace by
turning the Time Base A Time/Cm switch. The waveform
in the upper trace should not change.
In this check, the lower trace simulates the Channel 1
operation of a dual-trace plug-in preamplifier and the upper
trace simulates Channel 2.
Oscilloscope Chopped-Mode Operation
To check the oscilloscope for chopped-mode operation
(with no input signal applied), proceed as follows:
1. Set the TEST FUNCTION switch to CHOPPED.
2. Set the oscilloscope Time/Cm switch to 5/xSec/Cm.
3. Adjust the oscilloscope triggering controls for a stable
chopped waveform display (Fig. 2-2).
4. Set the oscilloscope Crt Cathode Selector switch to the
Chopped Blanking position and check that the fast rising
and falling portions (switching portions) of the display
are blanked so that only the "o n ” segments of each
trace are visible (Fig. 2-3).
5. If your oscilloscope has two time bases, make the same
check using the other time base.
Fig. 2 -2 . Chopped waveform display.
6. After checking the chopped mode of operation, return
the oscilloscope Crt Cathode Selector switch to the Crt
Cathode position.
i i i i
i >
ft 1
ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft
p J
r J
Fig. 2 -3 . Chopped blanking check with Crt Cathode Selector switch
at Chopped. Vertical switching lines are blanked.
Oscilloscope Vertical Am plifier Transient
A fter completing the oscilloscope calibration procedure
for vertical am plifier unbalance and after checking the
vertical gain, check the transient response as follows:
1. Set the TEST FUNCTION switch to + PULSE.
2. Set the REPETITION RATE switch to HIGH. (For the Type
547 Oscilloscope, set switch to MED.)
3. Set the oscilloscope Time/Cm switch to .1 /xSec/Cm.
4. Set the VARIABLE AMPLITUDE control to produce a dis
play 4 cm in amplitude for 6-cm scan oscilloscopes or
3 cm in amplitude for 4-cm scan oscilloscopes.
Do not use the 0 6 7 -0 5 2 1 -0 0 w ith a p lu g -in e xte n
sion fo r the h ig h -fre q u e n c y checks. The extension
may cause con sid era b le rin g in g to a p p e a r on the
d is p la y o f fa s t-ris in g pulses such as the Pulse G e n
e ra to r sig n a l.
Summary of Contents for 067-0521-00
Page 10: ...NOTES ...
Page 24: ...NOTES ...
Page 46: ...CIRCUIT DIAGRAM x x r s 3 O z z l ...
Page 47: ...J 067 0521 00 CALIBRATION FIXTURE ...
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Page 51: ...I ...
Page 52: ...TYPE 0 6 7 0 5 2 1 0 0 CHANGE R5 f PARTS LIST CORRECTION 321 0152 00 37 Q 1 8 w M12 536 967 ...
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