Kona Home Sensor TRM
Version Rev-C 1.0
TEKTELIC Communications Inc.
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Acronyms and Glossary
ABP ............................. activation by personalization
ADR ............................. adaptive data rate
Command Field .......... The read/write selection bit and register address combination.
CRC ............................. cyclic redundancy check
DL ............................... downlink
DR ............................... data rate
EU ............................... European Union
Flash memory ............. Non-volatile memory located on the Home Sensor, which contains
application and configuration settings.
................................. gravity (unit of acceleration
9.8 m/s
Home Sensor .............. Any one of the Kona All-In-One Home Sensor Module types
ID ................................ identity
IoT .............................. Internet of things
LoRa ............................
a patented “long
range” IoT technology acquired by Semtech
LoRaMAC .................... LoRaWAN MAC
LoRaWAN ................... LoRa wide area network (a network protocol based on LoRa)
LoRaWAN Commissioning
.................................... The unique device identifiers and encryption keys used for LoRaWAN
communication (see LoRaWAN Specification [1] for more details).
LSB .............................. least significant bit
MAC ............................ medium access control
MCU ........................... microcontroller unit
MSB ............................ most significant bit
NA ............................... North America
NS ............................... network server
OTA ............................. over-the-air
OTAA .......................... OTA activation
PIR .............................. passive infrared
Reg ............................. Register
RFU ............................. reserved for future use
RH ............................... relative humidity
RMS ............................ root mean square
RO ............................... read-only
R/W ............................ read/write
Rx ................................ receiver
Home Sensor