Comprehensive Operating Manual & Guide to Metal Detecting
PinPoint Feature
After a buried target has been located using the All Metal or Discrimination Modes, you want
to pinpoint the exact location of the target in order to facilitate its recovery. Accurate target
pinpointing will minimize digging.
Activate the PinPoint feature by pulling the trigger switch located under the housing, in front of
the grip. Unlike the All Metal and Discrimination Modes, PinPoint does not require motion to
detect metal. PinPoint will detect objects while the coil is in motion and will continue to detect
metal if searchcoil motion stops over the target.
Ground Pick-Up
If you have not performed the ground cancellation procedure, the PinPoint feature usually
causes the ground to sound off. This means that while pulling the pinpoint trigger, the audio
tone will get louder as you lower the searchcoil to the ground; this is called ground pick-up.
Since you want to hear the target, rather than the ground, we recommend first ground
canceling in order to eliminate
ground pick-up.
Alternatively, if you experience ground pick-up,
you may place the coil very close to the ground, off to the side of the target; then pull the
trigger, and raise the searchcoil slightly while passing it over the target.
How to Pinpoint
Position the searchcoil just barely off the ground, and to the side of the target. Then pull the
trigger, and raise the searchcoil about 2 inches. Lifting the searchcoil away from the ground
causes the ground signal to go negative; the machine becomes silent. Now move the
searchcoil slowly across the target, and the sound will communicate the target’s location. As
you sweep from side to side, and hear no sound at the ends of the sweep, the target is
located in the middle of that zone, where the sound is loudest and the audio pitch is highest. If
the sound is loud over a wide area, the buried object is large. Use the PinPoint feature to trace
an outline of such large objects.
Narrow It Down
To further narrow the field of detection, position the searchcoil near the center of the
response pattern (but not at the exact center), release the trigger, and then pull it again.
Now you will only hear a response when the searchcoil is right over the top of the target.
Repeat this procedure to narrow the zone even further. Each time you repeat the
procedure, the field of detection will narrow further.
Controlling Sensitivity in PinPoint Mode
The default sensitivity setting in PinPoint is 60. If you wish to change the PinPoint sensitivity
Pull the trigger to engage PinPoint. Do not release the trigger.
Rotate the SETTINGS knob to change the sensitivity.
Rotate counterclockwise to decrease sensitivity; clockwise to increase.
Adjustment to PinPoint sensitivity will not affect sensitivity of the All Metal or Discrimination
Modes. Likewise, sensitivity changes in the other modes will not affect Pinpoint. Changes to
pinpoint sensitivity will be saved after the trigger is released. When the
is powered off, the
device will revert to the default setting.