4. Middle
5. Lower Stem
with Bolt &
6. S-Rod with
2 Screws
with tape)
3. Searchcoil
2. Armrest Assembly with
Screw and Lock-Nut
Overload Warning
If a metal object or highly magnetic soil are too close to the searchcoil, the
detector will “overload.”
” will appear on the screen and the detector will make a rapid, repeating
mid-tone warning sound.
Overload will not harm the detector, but the detector will not function under
these conditions.
Raise the searchcoil to search at a greater distance, or move to a different location.
Unit of Measure (U/M)
The depth indicator in Pinpoint Mode can display either centimeters (CM) or
inches (IN).
The default unit of measure is centimeters (CM).
To change the unit of measure:
1. Start with the detector turned OFF.
2. Press-and-hold
3. Press .
Continue to hold down
4. Quickly release and then immediately press-and-hold
again to toggle
between CM and IN.
5. When the desired U/M appears on the screen, release
The detector will now operate with the desired U/M, even after the detector
has been powered down.
To change the U/M again, repeat the procedure.
To store the current settings (SENS, DISC and VOL):
Start with the detector turned ON.
Select all desired settings.
for 8 seconds.
When the three menu selections appear at the bottom of the screen,
release .
When you turn the detector ON for future use, your detector will resume
operation with your programmed settings.
To return all detector settings to the factory defaults:
1. Start with the detector turned OFF.
2. Press-and-hold .
3. Press .
4. Release .
The 2-digit number displayed is the software revision number.
Unpack your detector to find the following contents:
Tool Required: #1 Phillips Screwdriver
1. • Remove the Screw from the Armrest.
• Slide the Armrest over the end of the S-Rod.
• Attach with Screw and Lock-Nut.
2. Attach Control Housing with 2 screws; install back screw first.
NOTE: The Hand-grip fits under the Control Housing.
Peel back Hand-grip to expose the front hole.
1. Control Housing