(The Stun ID can be set up by PC Program.) If the STUN ID is saved in the Radio, the Radio can’t be
used even after the power off & on of Radio. After receiving the UNSTUN ID, you can use the Radio.
Figure 6-11) STUN Screen
6.11 Programming function
The Programming is the function for input of the data such as Frequency/Tone/Scan
into the Radio.
* Programming Method
First, please prepare the Program cable for XP-Series Radio.
Press the “ P ” button of the Radio to turn on. Then, the –Prog- message is
Connect the Programming cable to the Ear/Microphone Jack of Radio.
By using the PC Program, store the data and after disconnecting the cable, turn off the
power and turn on the power again.
Figure 6-12) Program Screen
6.12 Cloning function
The CLONING is to copy the data such as Frequency/Tone/Scan into the other Radio.
* Cloning Method
① First, please prepare the Clone cable for XP-Series Radio.
The original Radio should be turned on with pressing the PTT button and the Radio
to be copied should be turned on with pressing the “ P “ button .
The original Radio displays –CLON- message, and the Radio to be copied displays
–Prog- message.
④ Connect the Clon cable to the Ear/Mic Jack of 2 Radios.
⑤ If pressing the "Enter" button of the original Radio, the copy is made and after completing,
please disconnect the cable and turn off & on the power of the 2 Radios. Finally please use the
Radio after checking if the copy is made without problem.