The control pane l can be clea ned by using a lightly dampened cloth.
After cleaning, make sure to dry it thoroug hly.
For t he exter ior, use a good appliance polish wax.
Never use sharp objects, scouring pads or harsh cleaners on a ny part of the dishwasher.
Protect Against Freezing
1.Cut off the electrical power to the dishwasher.
2.Turn off the water supply and disconnect the water inlet pipe from the water valve.
3.Drain the water from the inlet pipe an d water valve. (Use a pan to catch the water)
4.Reconnect the water inlet pipe to the water valve.
5.Remove the filter at the bottom of the tub and use a sponge to soak up water in the sump.
please take frost protection measures on the dishwasher in winter. Every
fter washing cycles,
please operate as follows
time a
- Inspect the filters for blo cking a fter e ver y time the dishwa sher has been used.
- By unscrewing the coar se fi lter, you can remove the filter system. Re move any foo d remna nts and
clean the fi lters under runni ng water.
Cleaning the Filter
Cleaning The Door
To clean the coarse filter and the fine filter, use a c leaning b rush. R eassemb le the fi lter p arts as show n in the figures
on the last page and reinsert the entire assembly in the dis hwa sher, positio ning it in its seat and pressing dow nwards.
The entire filter assembly should be cleaned once a week.
When cleaning the filters, don't knock on them. Otherwise, the filters could be
contorted and the perform ance of the dishwasher could be decreased.
To cle an the e dge around the door, you should use only a soft warm, damp cloth.
To avoid pene tration o f wa ter into the door lock and electrical components, do not
use a spray cleaner of any kind.
Never u se a spr ay cleaner to clean t he door panel as it may damage the door loc k
and electrical components.
Abrasive ag ents or some paper towels shou ld not be used becau se of the risk of
scratching or leaving spots on the stainl ess steel surface.
Cleaning the Spray Arms
If your dishwasher cannot work because of the ice,
please contact professional service persons.
It is nece ssary to clean th e sp ray a rms regularly fo r hard wa ter
chemicals will clog th e sp ray arm jets and bear ings. To remove
the spray arm, screw off the nut to take out the washer on top of
the spray arm and remove the arm. Wash the a rms in soapy and
warm wa ter and use a soft brush to clean the jets. Replace them
after rinsing them tho roughly.
Summary of Contents for DW7 56 FI
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