rev. RPA-v2_0_en
Signaling line extender
User guide
This user guide is intended to study the principle of operation, proper use,
storage and maintenance of the signalling line extender Astra-A RPA.
Signaling Line Circuit
Addressable devices
– Astra-42A smoke fire detectors, Astra-43A
heat fire detectors, Astra-45A fire manual call point, Astra-BRA relay
unit, Astra-MA addressable marks, Astra-BPA
addressable signal relay unit;
– short circuit isolator Astra-A ILS;
– tutorial built into the Astra Pro PKM
Setup Module, or Astra-812 Pro Setup Instruc-
Control Panel
control panel and fire control
device Astra-812 Pro or Astra-8945 Pro with
firmware version v5_6 and higher;
PKM Astra Pro
configuration and monitoring
– personal computer ;
Configuration and monitoring Soft-
– signaling line extender.
1 Function
The RPA is designed to collect information from two SLC lines by
polling all registered addressable devices one by one for changes in
the state and transmitting this information via the RS-485 interface to
the control panel.
The number of RPA connected to one control panel - up to
. (If the built-in radio module of the Control Panel is disabled).
RPA consists of:
- two RS-485 communication interfaces with built-in isolators for connect-
ing to the control panel* and organizing a ring interface,
- two independent SLC interfaces with built-in short circuit isolators:
SLC1 and SLC2,
- power supply for addressable devices of two SLC with overload pro-
- USB port for firmware update.
RPA provides isolation of the SLC section, the RS-485 interface,
in which a short circuit has occurred.
RPA provides a setting of the SLC operation mode:
“Ring SLC1-SLC2" mode (by default) - connection of up to 250 (no
more than 96 "Astra-BRA" and no more than 96 "Astra-BPA" for one
RPA and Control Panel) addressable devices in the "ring" topology, the
length of the SLC ring is up to 1000 m;
"Individually SLC1 and SLC2" - connection of up to 250 addressable
devices in each SLC (but not more than 250 in total), with the length of
each SLC up to 1000 m.
RPA supports up to 32* isolators to one SLC. In each formed SLC
segment (between adjacent isolators or between an isolator and RPA)
there should be no more than 32 addressable devices. The cable length
in a segment should not exceed 200 m.
Recommended wires for SLC: cable with two pairs of twisted cores
(pairs arranged in parallel), core cross-section from 0.35 to 2.5 sq. mm.
For security systems, it is permissible to use a UTP 4×2×0.5 cables.
Recommended wire type to ensure maximum range for SLC in fire sys-
tems is FRLS (FRHF, FRLSLtx), 2×2×0.5
RPA has two independent power inputs (main and backup) and
automatically switches from the main input to the backup and back
when the voltage drops.
RPA is powered from external redundant power sources with a rated
voltage of 12 V or 24 V.
* Provided in the Control Panel and RPA versions 5_6 and higher, in
the settings of the Control Panel, you must set the bitrate to 38400 bps
2 Specification
Power supply voltage, V
……………………………from 11 to 27
Consumption, mA, without connecting addressable devices to SLC,
not more ........................................................................................ 100
Average current consumption of RPA when connected on SLC of ad-
dressable devices in the amount of N pieces calculated according to
the formula and is, mA, not more:
- when powered by 12 V ..................................................... 200+0.8*N
- when powered by 24 V ..................................................... 100+0.4*N
Peak turn-on current RPA, mA, not more:
- when powered by 12 V ............................................................... 850
- when powered by 24 V ............................................................... 450
Output voltage, V ................................................................................. 27
Threshold for the start of indication of a power failure, V ...................... 10
Boot time, sec., not more................................................................. 10
Maximum cable cross section for connection to terminal blocks, sq. mm,
not more ..................................................................................................... 2.5
Overall dimensions, mm, not more .................................
136 × 85 × 38
Weight, kg, not more .....................................................................0.14
Operating conditions
Temperature range, °С ................................................ from -30 to +55
Relative humidity, % ................................................ up to 93 at +40
without moisture condensation
3 Delivery set
Astra-A RPA ................................................................................. 1 pc.
Resistor C1-4-0.5 W-
100 Ohm±5% .............................................. 2 pc.
Screw ........................................................................................... 4 pc.
Dowels ......................................................................................... 4 pc.
4 Design
RPA is designed in a form of a block consisting of a base and a
removable cover. A PCB with radio elements is mounted inside the
block (Pic 2).
Pic. 2
Installed on the PCB:
LED indicators:
to control the power state of the RPA;
to control the state of the RPA
to control the state of the RS-485 interface line
and the
presence of its own registration in the Control Panel;
- to control the status of SLC1 and SLC2, the presence of registered
tamper switch that generates a "Tampering" notification in case of un-
authorized opening of the case;
plugs F1, F2, pad DEL
- plug F1 - to update firmware,
- plug F2 - to set the operating mode (service or standby),
- contact area DEL - to restore factory settings;
USB connector (to change firmware)
terminal blocks for connecting power supply, Control Panel and two
signalling lines.