12. Install the provided Tee EGIL-FDOF-MDOF-MFOD on the elbow as shown
13. Install the group on the support 561-0182
14. Install the pressure sensor 338-6971 on the adapter N000-MDBB-FDSC
15. Connect the pressure sensor to the harness 558-5959 - right branch
16. Using the hose F20F-L4206-L4203-A1730-266 (558-4285), connect the adapter valve 442-0234 to the
discharge point of the pipe 516-9236 already aboard
On certain arrangements, the pipe 516-9236 may be not present and replaced by the pipe 516-9234.
In the case, convert the existing 516-9234 in 516-9236 welding the provided flange-block and drilling in
correspondence of the flange hole. Refer to the page 516-7669.
NOTE: the threaded boss opposite to the flange has not to be applied and it is not provided.
Contamination control: be sure to well clean the pipe after drilling and block welding.
17. Using the hoses F12H-L4126-F90F-A0850-255 and F12H-L4126-F90F-A1600-203, connect the Tee to the
lower port of the valves 555-8147
18. Connect the hose 356-8077 to the block BLCK114GCFP using the bolt VEI12X160
19. Fix the hose support 520-3045 with clip where indicated in SIS page
Division: Tecnoter srl
Hp two ways, two
pumps. Basic ver.
Reach – 3,2 mt
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Rev: 1.1_En –