the peak concentration is equal to or less than 0.1% of the weight of
homogeneous material, and 0.01% for the 6th • cadmium.
The symbol "HOT WALL" warns the user that the walls of the unit can
become very hot, and to take precautions as required.
The symbol "DOUBLE SQUARE" means a double insulated. A basic
insulation and supplementary insulation. This device requires no
connection to the mass of a protective conductor grounded. The
materials are said : double insulation class II.
The symbol "MAN" means that the device can be used on the skin or
human orifices. (Example: Thermometer).
The symbol "TRIMAN" indicates that the consumer is invited to dispose
the product as part of a separate collection (eg recycling bin, waste,
voluntary intake point).
For more information :
Imported by Sotech International
" LE PERIPOLE " N°C111 à 115
33, Avenue du Marechal de Lattre de Tassigny
94120 Fontenay sous bois - France