TECHWOOD LT46-940F2 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 54


   - 53 -

Slide Show Interval



Sets slide show interval time.

Show Subtitle



Sets subtitle enabling preference.

Subtitle  Position



Sets  subtitle  position  as  up  or 


Subtitle  Font  Size

:  Sets  subtitle  font  size  (max. 


Changing Image Size: Picture 


You  can  change  the  aspect  ratio  (image  size)  of 


the  TV  for  viewing  the  picture  in  different  zoom 





  button  repeatedly  to  change 

the  image  size. Available  zoom  modes  are  listed 



When AUTO is selected, the aspect ratio of the screen 

is adjusted by the information provided by the selected 

source(if available)
The  format  being  displayed  in  AUTO  mode  is 

completely  independent  of  WSS  information  which 

could be included in the broadcast signal or the signal 

from an external device.


 Auto mode only will be available in HDMI, YPbPr 

and DTV sources. 


This uniformly stretches the left and right sides of a 

normal picture (4:3 aspect ratio) to fill the wide TV 


For  16:9  aspect  ratio  pictures  that  have  been 


squeezed into a normal picture (4:3 aspect ratio), 

use  the 


  mode  to  restore  the  picture  to  its 

original shape.


This zooms up the wide picture (16:9 aspect ratio) 

with subtitles to the full screen.


: You can shift to screen up or down by pressing 

“ ” / “ ” buttons while picture zoom is selected as 

14:9 Zoom, Cinema or Subtitle.


This zooms up the wide picture (14:9 aspect ratio) to 

the upper and lower limits of the screen.

14:9 Zoom

This option zooms to the 14:9 picture.


Use to view a normal picture (4:3 aspect ratio) as this 

is its original size.


This zooms up the wide picture (16:9 aspect ratio) to 

the full screen.

Configuring Picture Settings

You can use different picture settings in detail.



 button and select the Picture icon by using 

” or “ ” button. Press 


 button to view Picture 

Settings menu.

Summary of Contents for LT46-940F2


Page 2: Silme 16 Kanal Ad n De i tirme 16 Kanal Kilitleme 16 Kanal Y netimi S k Kullan lanlar 16 Tu Fonksiyonlar 17 Kanal Y netimi Kanal Listesini S ralama 17 Ekran Bilgileri 17 Ortam Taray c Kullanarak Me...

Page 3: ...sterin Kitap gelecekteki kullan m n z i in saklay n Cihaz bir ba kas na satarken veya verirken bu kullan m talimatlar n da mutlaka birlikte verin Bu r n se ti iniz i in te ekk r ederiz Bu k lavuz TV...

Page 4: ...ayna n n koyulmad ndan emin olunuz Pillerin g ne ate veya benzeri t rde a r s ya maruz b rak lmamas gerekmektedir Y ld r m F rt na ve y ld r m halinde veya tatile karken g kablosunu prizden kar n z Ye...

Page 5: ...r ca ambalaj malzemelerini de ocuklardan uzak tutun Bo ulma tehlikesi vard r Lisans Bildirimi opsiyonel Dolby Laboratories in lisans ile retilmi tir T CAR MARKA B LG S Dolby ve ift D sembol Dolby Labo...

Page 6: ...oldu unda baz g r nt ayarlar n n de i tirilemeyece ine dikkat ediniz Kullan lmad nda TV yi kapat n z ve fi ini prizden ekiniz Bu da enerji t ketimini azaltacakt r Uzun s re uzakta kalacaksan z prizden...

Page 7: ...lar 10 nceki Program 11 Altyaz a k kapal DVB kanallar nda 12 Otomatik Kapanma 13 Teletekst Mix 14 lev Yok 15 YE L tu 16 KIRMIZI tu 17 Men A k Kapal 18 AV Kaynak 19 Bilgi 20 Sesi Artt r Azalt 21 Sessiz...

Page 8: ...rik edilen scart ba lant kablosunu kullan n z Bile en G r nt Giri leri YPbPr 3 bile en g r nt ba lant s yapmak i in kullan l r Bile en videosunu ve ses soketlerini bile en k olan bir ayg ta ba layabil...

Page 9: ...z b t n kanallar 1 g rmenizi sa lar Daha fazla bilgi i in Ko ullu Eri im k sm na bak n z Yan USB ler 2 Kulakl k giri i harici bir kulakl sisteme ba lamak i in kullan l r TV yi kulakl klardan 3 dinleme...

Page 10: ...k Ba lant s NEML Bir USB ayg t takarken ya da kart rken TV kapat lm olmal d r USB cihaz n TV nin USB giri ine tak n z TV deki USB giri ini kullanarak TV nize 2 adet cihaz ayn anda ba layabilirsiniz No...

Page 11: lant s i in uygun bir SPDIF kablosu kullan n z Harici Hoparl r SPDIF sinyalini destekleye cihaz DVD alara Ba lama E er DVD alar LED TV nize ba lamak isterseniz TV setinizin konekt rlerini kullanab...

Page 12: ...rildi inde bekleme LED i Bekleme Modunda Arama Uydudan Otomatik Yaz l m ndirme ya da Zamanlay c gibi zelliklerin aktif oldu unu belirtmek i in yan p s ner TV yi bekleme moduna ge irdi inizde de LED ya...

Page 13: ...Program Se imi nceki veya Sonraki Program P tu una basarak bir nceki program se iniz Bir sonraki program se mek i in P tu una bas n z Program Se imi Do rudan Eri im 0 ila 9 aras ndaki programlar se m...

Page 14: ...i de dahil olmak zere program se eneklerini g r nt ler Metin Arama Rehber Arama men s n g r nt ler ALTYAZI T r Se men s n g r nt lemek i in SUBTITLE tu una bas n z Bu zelli i kullanarak program rehbe...

Page 15: ...yonel Evet se ene ini se iniz ve sonra Tamam tu una bas n z Kanal listesinden kmak ve TV yi seyretmek i in OK tu una bas n z Otomatik Kanal Ayarlama PUCU Otomatik kanal ayarlama zelli i yeni hizmetler...

Page 16: ...e bulunmayan yeni kanallar kaydedilecektir Analog nce Ayar veya OK tu lar n kullanarak Kurulum men s nden Analog Fine Tune Analog nce Ayar se ene ini se iniz Analog ince ayar ekran g r nt lenecektir K...

Page 17: ...k i in OK tu una bas n z Kanal Ad n De i tirme Yeniden adland rmak istedi iniz kanal se iniz ve Edit Name Ad D zenleme se ene ini se iniz Devam etmek i in OK tu una bas n z veya tu una bas ld nda bir...

Page 18: ...erilerini b t n kanallar yay nlamaz Program ad ve zaman mevcut de ilse bilgi ba l bo g r nt lenir Se ilen kanal kilitli ise kanal g r nt lemek i in d rt basamakl rakamsal kodu girmeniz gerekir varsay...

Page 19: ...r nt ler Slayt g sterisi Ye il tu T m resimlerin slayt g sterisini ba lat r D ng Kar k Mavi tu D ng y etkinle tirmek i in bir kez bas n z Hem D ng hem de Kar t rma y etkinle tirmek i in tekrar bas n z...

Page 20: ...ercihlerini ayarlayabilirsiniz Bir eyi vurgulamak i in veya tu una bas n z ve ayarlamak i in veya tu unu kullan n z G r n m Stili Varsay lan g r n m modunu ayarlar Slayt G sterisi Aral Slayt g sterisi...

Page 21: ...z kmak i in MEN tu una bas n z G r nt Ayarlar Men eleri Mod G r nt leme gereksinimleriniz i in ilgili mod se ene ini girebilirsiniz G r nt modu a a daki se eneklerden herhangi birisine ayarlanabilir S...

Page 22: ...z Bu zelli i h zl hareketleri net bir ekilde g rmek istedi iniz filmleri izlerken otomatik olarak ayarlay n z Not TV nizeHDMI zerindenuydual c ba lad n zda kayan yaz larda k r lmalar olu ursa film mo...

Page 23: ...llanarakAyarlar simgesini se iniz Ayarlar men s n g r nt lemek i in OK tu una bas n z Ayarlar Men s elerini Kullanma Bir men esini vurgulamak i in veya tu lar na bas n z Bir e se mek i in OK tu una ba...

Page 24: ...altyaz dilini ayarlar Not lke ayar Danimarka sve Norve veya Finlandiya dan birine yap lm sa dil ayarlar men s a a da anlat ld ekilde i leyecektir Dil Ayarlar Yap land rma men s nde veya tu una basarak...

Page 25: ...tu unu kullanarak Ayarlar simgesini se iniz Ayarlar men s n g r nt lemek i in OK tu una bas n z Timers Zamanlay c lar vurgulamak i in veya tu una bas n z ve devam etmek i in OK tu una bas n z Otomati...

Page 26: ...listesinin en st nde duran Tarih Zaman se ilen Zaman Dilimine g re de i ecektir De i iklikler otomatik olarak kaydedilir kmak i in MENU tu una bas n z Kaynak Ayarlar n Yap land rma Se ilen kaynak se e...

Page 27: ...lar n kullanarak ayarlad n zda televizyon ilgili kanal listesini g sterecektir E er ilgili kaynak hi bir kay tl kanal i ermezse ekranda Bu tip i in hi bir kanal bulunamam t r mesaj g sterilecektir Be...

Page 28: ...ekilde tutunuz G r nt S reklili i z b rakan bir g r nt g r nt lendi inde g lgelenme olu abilir LED TV nin iz b rakan g r nt s k sa bir s re sonra kaybolabilir Bir s reli ine TV yi kapatmay deneyiniz B...

Page 29: ...60Hz O 1080P 50Hz O 1080P 60Hz O HDMI1 HDMI2 480I 60Hz O 480P 60Hz O 576I 50Hz O 576P 50Hz O 720P 50Hz O 720P 60Hz O 1080I 50Hz O 1080I 60Hz O 1080P 50Hz O 1080P 60Hz O 1080P 24 HZ O X Mevcut de il O...

Page 30: ...00 60Hz 7 800x600 70Hz 8 800x600 72Hz 9 800x600 75Hz 10 1024x768 60Hz 11 1024x768 70Hz 12 1024x768 72Hz 13 1024x768 75Hz 14 1152x864 75Hz 15 1280x768 60Hz 16 1360x768 60Hz 17 1280x768 75Hz 18 1280x960...

Page 31: ...P 20Mbit sn dat MPEG1 2 MPEG2 vob MPEG2 avi MPEG2 PCM MP3 MAKS 1920x1080 30P 20Mbit sn Xvid 1 00 Xvid 1 01 Xvid 1 02 Xvid 1 03 Xvid 1 10 beta1 2 PCM M zik mp3 MPEG 1 Katman 1 2 MP3 32Kbps 320Kbps Bit...

Page 32: ...aj g r n r Yeniden ba latma operasyonunun devam i in OK tu una bas n 2 3 AM arama ve y kseltme modu E er Y kseltme Se enekleri Upgrade Options men s nde Otomatik Tarama varsa TV 03 00 de a l r ve yeni...

Page 33: ...16 9 g r nt 46 Ekran Boyutu BOYUTLAR mm BxUxY Ayakl 221 x 1089 x 695 A rl k Kg 17 75 BxUxY Ayaks z 40 x 1089 x 657 A rl k Kg 16 00 Dijital Al C HAZIISO IEC 13522 5 cihaz ile uyumludur Profil 1 ngilter...

Page 34: ...s recinde de kar la labilinir Alt piksel hatalar 2 ana e ittir Tip 1 S rekli yanan alt piksel k rm z ye il veya mavi olabilir Tip 2 S rekli s n k alt piksel siyah bir ekilde g r n r ISO 13406 2 standa...

Page 35: uydu al c s DVD player ya da kablolu kanal yay nlar nda beklenen performans al namayabilir ve bu yay nlarda resimde mozaiklenme veya resim netlik ve keskinli i az g r nt de ekranda baz efektler olu...

Page 36: ...s Channel List 49 Operating the Channel List 49 Moving a Channel 50 Deleting a Channel 50 Renaming a Channel 50 Locking a Channel 50 Managing Stations Favourites 50 Button Functions 50 Managing Statio...

Page 37: ...efully keep the handbook as future reference When selling the device or giving it away absolutely give these direction for use Thank you for choosing this product This manual will guide you for the pr...

Page 38: ...ighted candles are placed on top of the TV Batteries should not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine fire or the like Lightning In case of storm and lightning or when going on holiday disconn...

Page 39: ...immediately Also keep the packaging foils away from children There is danger of suffocation Licence Notification optional Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGMENT Do...

Page 40: in Power Save Mode When the TV is not in use please switch off or disconnect the TV from the mains plug This will also reduce energy consumption Disconnect power when going away for longer time Not...

Page 41: ...umeric buttons 10 Previous programme 11 Subtitle on off in DVB channels 12 Sleep timer 13 Teletext Mix 14 No function 15 Green button 16 Red button 17 Menu On Off 18 AV Source 19 Info 20 Volume Up Dow...

Page 42: ...component video You can connect the component video and audio sockets with a device that has component output Connect the component video cables between the COMPONENT VIDEO INPUTS on on the TV and the...

Page 43: ...rnal headphone to the system Connect 3 to the HEADPHONE jack to listen to the TV from headphones optional Side audio video connection input is used for connecting video and audio signals 4 of external...

Page 44: switched off while plugging or unplugging a USB device Plug your USB device to the USB inputs of the TV You can connect two usb device to your TV by using the USB inputs of the TV at the same time...

Page 45: ...appropriate SPDIF cable to enable sound connection External Speakers A device that supports SPDIF signal Connecting to a DVD Player If you want to connect a DVD player to your LED TV you can use conne...

Page 46: ...ode standby LED can blink to indicate that features such as Standby Search Over Air Download or Timer is active The LED can also blink when you switch on the TV from standby mode Standby Notifications...

Page 47: ...el scale slider will be displayed on the screen Programme Selection Previous or Next Programme Press P button to select the previous programme Press P button to select the next programme Programme Sel...

Page 48: Using this feature you can search the programme guide database in accordance with the genre Info available in the programme guide will be searched and results matching your criteria will be listed...

Page 49: ...enu screen will be displayed Select Automatic Channel Scan by using button and press OK button Automatic Channel Scan options will be displayed You can select Digital Aerial Analog or Digital Aerial A...

Page 50: ...This setting is visible only when the Country option is set to Denmark Sweden Norway or Finland Use this setting to clear channels stored Press or button to select Clear Service List and then press O...

Page 51: ...cking a Channel You can press GREEN button to tag untag all channels YELLOW button to tag untag a single channel Select the channel that you want to lock and select Lock option Press OK button to cont...

Page 52: ...ons will be displayed Also when you plug USB devices media browser screen will be displayed automatically You can play music picture and video files from the connected USB memory stick Use or button t...

Page 53: ...ess once more to enable only Shuffle Press again to enable all You can follow the disabled functions with the change of the icons RETURN Back to file list INFO Displays help screen Playing Music Files...

Page 54: ...PbPr and DTV sources 16 9 This uniformly stretches the left and right sides of a normal picture 4 3 aspect ratio to fill the wide TV screen For 16 9 aspect ratio pictures that have been squeezed into...

Page 55: ...acquire a better quality and readibility When Movie Sense option is set to Low Med or High Movie Sense demo option will be available If one of these options is selected and if you press OK button the...

Page 56: ...tton to exit Sound Settings Menu Items Volume Adjusts volume level Equalizer Press OK button to view equalizer sub menu In equalizer menu the preset can be changed to Music Movie Speech Flat Classic a...

Page 57: ...ule is inserted No Common Interface module detected message appears on the screen Refer to the module instruction manual for details of the settings Viewing Conditional Access Menu These menu settings...

Page 58: ...l be displayed Parental Settings Menu Operation Select an item by using or button Use or button to set an item Press OK button to view more options If you set Country option as UK in the first time in...

Page 59: ...e the timer Press RED button to cancel Editing a Timer Select the timer you want to edit by pressing or button Press GREEN button Edit Timer menu screen will be displayed When finished with editing pr...

Page 60: ...narrator talks through the presentation describing what is happening on the screen during the natural pauses in the audio and sometimes during dialogue if deemed necessary You can use this feature onl...

Page 61: ...Please note that ghosting may occur while displaying a persistent image LED TVs image persistence may disappear after a short time Try turning off the TV for a while To avoid this do not leave the sc...

Page 62: ...z O 1080P 60Hz O HDMI1 HDMI2 480I 60Hz O 480P 60Hz O 576I 50Hz O 576P 50Hz O 720P 50Hz O 720P 60Hz O 1080I 50Hz O 1080I 60Hz O 1080P 50Hz O 1080P 60Hz O 1080P 24 HZ O X Not Available O Available In so...

Page 63: ...6Hz 6 800x600 60Hz 7 800x600 70Hz 8 800x600 72Hz 9 800x600 75Hz 10 1024x768 60Hz 11 1024x768 70Hz 12 1024x768 72Hz 13 1024x768 75Hz 14 1152x864 75Hz 15 1280x768 60Hz 16 1360x768 60Hz 17 1280x768 75Hz...

Page 64: ...30P 20Mbit sec dat MPEG1 2 MPEG2 vob MPEG2 avi MPEG2 PCM MP3 MAX 1920x1080 30P 20Mbit sec Xvid 1 00 Xvid 1 01 Xvid 1 02 Xvid 1 03 Xvid 1 10 beta1 2 PCM Music mp3 MPEG 1 Layer 1 2 MP3 32Kbps 320Kbps Bi...

Page 65: ...ontinue with the reboot operation 2 3 AM search and upgrade mode If Automatic scanning in Upgrade Options menu is enabled TV wakes up at 03 00 and searches broadcast channels for new software upgrade...

Page 66: ...135 W max PANEL 16 9 display 46 Screen Size DIMENSIONS mm DxLxH With foot 221 x 1089 x 695 Weight Kg 17 75 DxLxH Without foot 40 x 1089 x 657 Weight Kg 16 00 Digital Reception MHEG 5 ENGINE compliant...

Page 67: ...els may cause sub pixel errors by way of lighting continuously or remaining dim continuously Please consider the following explanation about a possible sub pixel error This problem can be encountered...

Page 68: ...pported by other sources in terms of high definition DVD players or cable television and in these broadcasts mosaic images may occur sharpness and resolution of the image may be low some effects may a...

Page 69: ...retici firma Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A Adres Organize Sanayi B lgesi 45030 Manisa Tel 0236 233 01 31 Fax 0236 233 25 85...

Page 70: ...l Da t c Vestel Dayan kl T ketim Mallar Pazarlama A Zorlu Plaza Avc lar 34310 stanbul T RK YE Tel 0212 456 22 00 030 hat Fax 0212 422 02 03 Cihaz n z n G mr k ve Ticaret Bakanl veya Bakanl k a tespit...
