WG3100-Series GSM VoIP Gateway User Manual
Techroutes Network Pvt. Ltd.
Authenticate ID
The Authentication ID is used for authentication purposes. The SIP
user ID is usually the phone number you received from the service
provider. Often, the Authentication ID is the same as the user
Password of SIP User ID which provide by SIP server
Tx Gain
Tx Gain value of chipset. Adjusting it will effect volume on GSM side.
Rx Gain
Rx Gain value of chipset. Adjusting it will effect volume on IP side.
To VoIP Hotline
When mobile / fixed line users make call to this port, gateway will
auto forward to dedicate number. The hotline could be DID / Ring
Group / Extension of SIP server / IP-PBX.
*Note: Please configure
Tel->IP Operation
if you need this function.
To PSTN Hotline
When VoIP users make calls to this port, gateway will auto forward to
dedicate number. The Hotline number could be mobile / fixed line
number. Leave it blank if y
ou don’t need this function.
*Note: Please configure
IP->Tel Operation
if you need this function.
Auto-Dial Delay Time
The auto-dial delay time of hotline , the range is 0-10 seconds
4.9.5 Port Group Configuration
Select ports for definited port group.