Installa� on and Opera� ng Instruc� ons
Panel Heater MCT
13.Energy consump� on counter
The MCT electric radiator has a func� on for keeping track of the approximate energy used. Here, the
counter registers the number of hea� ng hours/minutes and mul� plies this value by the wa� age of
the radiator. This makes it possible to read how much power has been consumed.
In order to use this func� on correctly, it is important that the power is set correctly once, so that the
counter knows how much power the radiator has.
To set the correct power, follow the steps below:
Make sure that the device is switched off . You can do this by pressing the „STOP“ bu� on. If only
the � me is displayed, or --:--, then the radiator is off .
Then press the „Min“ bu� on for 2 seconds to display the power se� ng:
Set the correct power level with the "Plus" or "Minus" bu� on and confi rm with the "Mode" bu� on.
Please note: se� ng an incorrect output will result in an incorrect consump� on display. Therefore,
always check on the basis of the type plate on the radiator whether the power corresponds to the set
To display the energy consump� on, follow the steps below:
Make sure the appliance is switched off . You can do this by pressing the „STOP“ bu� on. If only the
� me is shown, or --:--, then the radiator is off .
Then press the "Plus" bu� on for 2 seconds to display the energy consump� on.
The consump� on is displayed for approx. 8 seconds.
If you want to reset the counter, press "Plus" for 2 seconds un� l the value is 0.
You can exit the menu with the "Mode" or „STOP“ bu� on.