(-39.8°F to +139.8°F with 0.2°F resolution)
displayed if outside this range
Relative humidity measuring range:
1% to 99% with 1% resolution
“- -”
when lower than 1 %; displays "99" % if higher than 99 %)
Indoor temperature checking interval
: every 15 seconds
Indoor humidity checking interval
every 20 seconds
Outdoor data reception
every 4 seconds
Power consumption:
Weather station
2 x AAA, IEC, LR3, 1.5V
Temperature transmitter
2 x AA, IEC, LR6, 1.5V
Battery life cycle
Approximately 24 months (Alkaline batteries recommended)
Dimensions (L x W x H)
Weather station
83 x 25 x 150 mm
Temperature transmitter
38.2 x 21.2 x 128.3 mm
The electrical and electronic wastes contain hazardous substances. Disposal of electronic waste in
wild country and/or in unauthorized grounds strongly damages the environment.
Summary of Contents for WS 9632
Page 1: ...SIZE 123 70MM...
Page 91: ...90 26 C 78 8 F 19 25 9 C 66 2 78 6 F 10 18 9 C 50 66 F 0 9 9 C 32 49 8 F Ensoleill...
Page 126: ...125 26 C 78 8 F 19 25 9 C 66 2 78 6 F 10 18 9 C 50 66 F 0 9 9 C 32 49 8 F 0 C 32 F Zonnig...
Page 162: ...161 26 C 78 8 F 19 25 9 C 66 2 78 6 F 10 18 9 C 50 66 F 0 9 9 C 32 49 8 F 0 C 32 F Variabile...