User manual
Lift Stand
Version EN 2018/09 (rev. 1.1)
16 Setting the maximum speed
When the IP address is configured, it is possible to set the maximum speed in the
"maximum velocity [mm/s]" field. At every run of the LiftStand it will try to reach the
set speed. If you enter a value that is higher than possible, the window will write what
the allowed range is and set the value closest to the entered.
By checking the "Apply collaborative Mode" checkbox, the speed is set to 250 [mm/s],
which means that it is not possible to type in the "maximum velocity [mm/s]" field
before removing the checkmark again. Homing
Before the LiftStand can be position controlled, it must perform a home search at least
once since the last restart of the LiftStand. During home search, the LiftStand moves
downward at a speed of 16 [mm/s] until it hits its lower limit. If the home search is
necessary, the "home" button will have the text "home – is needed!". If you restart the
LiftStand and run a URScript on the robot without going to the installation window, the
robot's counterpart will come up with a pop-up window that initiates home search upon
continuation, otherwise the program stops. During home search, navigation between
windows is temporarily not possible. Finalizing Setup
With completion of the settings from the section go to the installation window "
Load/Save "and save the installation. The setup of the LiftStand is complete and the
robot is ready to control the LiftStand.
5.2 Use
This chapter presents the user with the possibilities offered by the LiftStand URCap.
It is assumed that the setup was completed as described in chapter 5.1 Setup. The
LiftStand can be controlled by two different methods: either by fixed values or by using
a variable.
To start using the LiftStand, the Cap is located under "Program Robot" → "Load
program" or "Empty program" → Program → Structure → "URCaps". As is apparent
from Figure 5.5 the LiftStand is seen here.