Chapter 3: Networking and Advanced Settings
Chapter 3
Event Log Web Page (Fig. 28)
The gateway builds a log of firewall blocking actions that the
Firewall has taken. Using this page lets you specify an email
address to which you want the gateway to email this log. You
must also tell the gateway your outgoing (i.e. SMTP) email
server’s name, so it can direct the email to it. Enable Email
Alerts has the gateway forward email notices when Firewall
protection events occur. Click E-mail Log to immediately send
the email log. Click Clear Log to clear the table of entries for a
fresh start.
The log of these events is also visible on the screen. For each
blocking event type that has taken place since the table was
last cleared, the table shows Description, Count, Last
Occurrence, Target, and Source.
Parental Control Web Pages Group (Fig. 29)
This Web page allows to block web pages based on keywords
content or Domain name. By enabling the keyword blocking
and adding words to the list, any web page contining one of
these words will be blocked.
Similarly, any domain listed with the “Domain Blocking”
activated will be rejected. A domain is a group of computers.
For example, to block access to Yahoo and any computers
related to its network, you would enter Entering a
domain name is easier than entering the IP addresses or
individual host names to block.
Fig. 28
Fig. 29
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