Playing Audio from the USB /SD / Bluetooth Inputs
When playing audio from the USB / SD / Bluetooth inputs press use the play/pause, previous and next track buttons
to control the audio. When using the Bluetooth inputs you will also be able to control these features from the
Bluetooth device.
The Repeat Feature is limited to the USB /SD Card inputs. Press the Repeat button to switch between repeating the
CURRENT track (R1), repeating ALL tracks (RA) and turning the repeat function OFF (RO).
Press the Previous Track button to
move to the previous track when using
the USB, SD & Bluetooth inputs
Press the Next Track button to move
to the next track when using the USB,
SD & Bluetooth inputs
Press the REPEAT Track button to switch between
repeating the CURRENT track (R1), repeating ALL tracks
(RA) and turning the repeat function OFF (RO).