LED Screen Display
Operate modes:
d001: DMX512 Mode
Aut0: Laser+RGWBA+8White LED on Mode:
Press the menu button until Autx(x stand for 0,1,2...6),Press
“up” or “down” to get Aut0, Press enter to get
Sxxx(xxx stand for 000~100), press
“up” or “down” to increase or decrease the number to control the motor
rotate speed, re-press the enter to confirm the current mode.
Aut1: Laser+RGBWA LED on
Press the menu button until Autx(x stand for 0,1,2...6),Press
“up” or “down” to get Aut1, Press enter to get
Sxxx(xxx stand for 000~100), press
“up” or “down” to increase or decrease the number to control the motor
rotate speed, re-press the enter to confirm the current mode.
Aut2: Laser+8White LED on
Press the menu button until Autx(x stand for 0,1,2...6),Press
“up” or “down” to get Aut2, Press enter to get
Sxxx(xxx stand for 000~100), press
“up” or “down” to increase or decrease the number to control the motor
rotate speed, re-press the enter to confirm the current mode.
Aut3: RGBWA+8White LED on
Press the menu button until Autx(x stand for 0,1,2...6),Press
“up” or “down” to get Aut3, Press enter to get
Sxxx(xxx stand for 000~100), press
“up” or “down” to increase or decrease the number to control the motor
rotate speed, re-press the enter to confirm the current mode.
Aut4: RGBWA LED on
Press the menu button until Autx(x stand for 0,1,2...6),Press
“up” or “down” to get Aut4, Press enter to get
Sxxx(xxx stand for 000~100), press
“up” or “down” to increase or decrease the number to control the motor
rotate speed, re-press the enter to confirm the current mode.
Aut5: Laser on
Press the menu button until Autx(x stand for 0,1,2...6),Press
“up” or “down” to get Aut5, Press enter to get
Sxxx(xxx stand for 000~100), press
“up” or “down” to increase or decrease the number to control the motor
rotate speed, re-press the enter to confirm the current mode.
Aut6: 8white LED on
Press the menu button until Autx(x stand for 0,1,2...6),Press
“up” or “down” to get Aut6, Press enter to get
Sxxx(xxx stand for 000~100), press
“up” or “down” to increase or decrease the number to control the motor
rotate speed, re-press the enter to confirm the current mode.
Sou0: Laser+RGBWA+8/W Mode:
Press the Func button until Soux(x stand for0,1...6), press
“up”or “down” to get Sou0, then press enter to
confirm the current mode.