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in an information retrieval system - without prior written permission
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The product described in this manual may be protected by one or
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This publication documents the installation of the Tech-Source
X Terminal on an SBus card.
This manual is intended for system designers who incorporate the
Tech-Source card(s) into their SPARCstations. It contains the
procedures necessary for installation into such a system.
This is
a guide to the installation of the software. All systems
vary to a degree. A knowledge of the features of your system is
helpful during the installation process.
The following documents apply to the
Installation, and may
be of interest to its user.
X Servers for Solaris 1.X Software Installation
X Servers for Solaris 2.X Software Installation
Tech-Source X11R5 Installation Manual
Tech-Source X11R4 Installation Manual
IGT Software Installation and
Reference Manual
Sun's Desktop SPARC Hardware Owner's Guide
Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com