The pump remains active until the pre-set temperature is reached (to define the pre-set temperature go to
SERVICE MENU>Accumulation tank>Pre-set temperature) or until the difference between collector and tank
temperature reaches solar pump deactivation delta : SERVICE MENU>Pumps>Solar pump deactivation delta (in
this case the pump will be activated again when the collector temperature exceeds the tank temperature by the
value of solar pump activation delta). When the pump is disabled after the pre-set temperature is reached, it will
be activated again when the temperature drops below the pre-set value by the tank hysteresis value (hysteresis
may be defined in SERVICE MENU>Accumulation tank>Tank hysteresis).
Collector defrosting
- This function enables the user to activate the collector pump manually in order to cause
the snow deposited on the solar collector to melt. After this function has been activated, the mode is active for
a user-defined period of time. After this time automatic operation is resumed. To set the defrosting time go to:
SERVICE MENU>Solar collector>Defrosting time. The function may be deactivated manually, to shorten its
operation time, by selecting a different operation mode.
Holiday mode
- After this mode has been activated, the pump is active when one of the following conditions has
been fulfilled:
Collector temperature reaches the overheating temperature value (SERVICE MENU> Solar collector> Overheating
temperature) minus the value of
Holiday delta
parameter (SERVICE MENU>Solar collector>Holiday delta). When
this condition is fulfilled, the pump is activated in order to cool the collector down. The pump is disabled when
the temperature drops by 5°C
Collector temperature is lower than the tank temperature
the pump is activated in order to cool the tank down.
It remains active until the temperatures of the tank and the collector are equal.
- This function is active only when an additional device is connected ( one of the
the Service menu must be selected).
Thermal disinfection involves raising the temperature of water in the tank to the required disinfection
temperature, read from the upper sensor of the tank (in the case of using an optional sensor, the user should
make sure that it measures the temperature of water in the upper part of the tank, as it is the priority sensor for
this function). Disinfection aims to eradicate Legionella pneumophila
bacteria which lower the cell-mediated
The bacteria often multiplies in hot water reservoirs (optimum temperature: 35°C). After this function
has been activated, the water tank is heated until the pre-defined temperature is reached (SERVICE MENU >
Peripherals>Heater > Anti-legionella > Anti-legionella temperature). The temperature is maintained for the
whole disinfection time (SERVICE MENU > Peripherals > Heater > Anti-legionella > Anti-legionella time). Next, the
standard operation mode is restored.
Disinfection temperature needs to be reached within a pre-defined period of time from its activation (SERVICE
MENU > Peripherals > Heater > Anti-legionella > Maximum anti-legionella time). Otherwise, the function will be
automatically deactivated.
Manual mode
- This function enables the user to check the system devices manually (using MENU button) by
switching ON/OFF:
- the solar pump,
- the second solar pump or the switching valve,
- peripherals - additional devices ( voltage-free contact e.g. for firing up the pellet boiler).
This function is used to set current time.