TC100D2-V6 0 MANUAL Apr 08 A4 (reflowed).docx
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Jumper JP1 is used to select the FAULT ALARM output type
, normally open volts-free
contact (2-way shunt fitted to centre pin of JP1 only), switched 24VDC (2-way shunt connecting
centre pin & '
' pin) or switched 0VDC (2-way shunt connecting centre pin & '
' pin). When
volts-free contact option selected, both the ' COM ' and ' O/P ' screw terminal connections are
used, ' COM ' being the relay common and ' O/P ' being the normally open volts-free contact
that closes to common when FAULT is activated. When switch 24VDC or 0VDC option is
selected, only the ' O/P ' screw terminal connection is used in conjunction with supply negative
or supply positive as required.
There are three 8-way DIP switches labelled
that are preset by the user. DSW3 selects the program with various
options (
OPTION 0, 1, 2 and/or 3
) as described below. The DIP switches are read only during
the power-on initialisation sequence.
At power-on the FAULT + LOW LEVEL indicators (and FAULT relay output) are flashed on for
1 second as a 'lamp test' to verify that they are operational. At the same time, the software
version number will be displayed on the CYCLES display eg. '50' = V5.0, 51' = V5.1 etc.. At
the end of the 1 second 'lamp test', the CYCLES display will display ' 0'.
If an invalid DIP switch setting has been made, the controller will not operate. Instead it will
indicate that there is a problem by flashing ' 0' on the 2-digit display.
The first Delay Time period following power-on is either fixed at 10 sec (DSW1 switch 8 ON) or
as per DSW1 setting (DSW1 switch 8 OFF). Subsequent Delay Time periods will be as per
DSW1 setting.
Controllers fitted with an audible FAULT alarm device (piezo beeper) will emit a pulsing beep
(1 sec ON, 1 sec OFF) when FAULT is indicated. To silence the beeper, press and hold the
TEST switch for more than 5 sec (note this will not cancel the FAULT lamp or relay output).
To cancel all FAULT indications, press and release the TEST switch in less than 5 seconds ie.
normal press ... the indication will be cancelled upon release.
Delay Time period set by DSW1 commences. Upon expiration of the delay period, output OP1
is energised for the Pump On Time period set by DSW2. During the Pump On Time period, the
switch input IP1 must close otherwise FAULT will be indicated. If IP1 is closed at the beginning
of the Pump On cycle, it must open and then close again to avoid FAULT indication.
OP2 is energised at the same time as OP1, but remains active for a further 5 sec. after OP1
deactivates. The CYCLES display is incremented by one (0, 1, 2, 3 ... 98, 99, 0, 1 ... ) when
OP2 deactivates. Delay Time period recommences. A repeat cycle is now in progress.
When a FAULT is indicated, all outputs are deactivated until the controller is reset by either
interrupting power or by pressing the TEST switch on the front panel. Pressing TEST resets the
Delay Time period to zero and energises output OP1 immediately.