some dry lubricant on these bolts before installation.
bolts, ensuring that the square section fits into the
hole correctly.
As you can see, the head of the bolt faces inside at
the rear of the tricycle, and outside toward the front.
Remember before tightening to check that the rear
section is at 90 degrees to the front section. A little
adjustment may be necessary.
Install the handlebars with a 6mm Allen key.
Don’t forget the headstem shroud.
Install the quick release to the seat stem.
Now we can install the cranks. Double check the
mudguard mount is sufficiently tight, and if not adjust
the bottom bracket axle tension. Make sure the PAS
sensor does not rotate on the axle and is pushed all
Install the bolt – this is 14mm, and tighten. You can
then place the plastic cap over the bolt.