ThermalCapture Fusion – User Manual
3.3.3 8-pin connector
The 8-pin connector has the following pin definition:
1 (reserved)
2 (reserved)
3 5V DC input
Image capture is triggered when the TRIGGER_IN pin is pulled to ground. It is connected to 3.3V
internally via resistor. You can apply a switch or a transistor between TRIGGER_IN and GND. It is
also possible to connect a digital signal (0-5V) to the trigger input.
Images are captured as long as TRIGGER_IN is at ground level. It is not possible to connect the
trigger input permanently to GND, because in this case there would be no way to switch
ThermalCapture Fusion off or release the SD card, without potentially damaging its file-system.
SERIAL_IN is a UART interface. It supports inverted and not inverted signals (0-5V). The data
received at this pin is continuously stored in an internal buffer. This buffer is added to any stored
image. So it is possible to connect a GPS receiver or an IMU to ThermalCapture Fusion. Since the
data is only stored but not processed at ThermalCapture Fusion, any UART based protocol can be
used as long the sensor begins with data output on its own. Interface settings (baud rate etc.) can
be done with the serial configuration tool (see chapter 4.2).
VIDEO_OUT provides PAL composite video out from the TAU core. The video standard and other
video related settings can be configured with FLIR TAU GUI, see chapter 4.1.
TeAx Standard Cable Set for ThermalCapture Fusion
With each ThermalCapture Fusion unit comes a standard cable that splits the 8-pin connector
functions into easy-to-use connectors. It also includes a voltage converter which allows the system
to be connected to a power source with voltages between 8V and 32V DC.
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